Video Animation

Our animations generate leads, turn prospects into customers and customers into advocates.

Animation gives you the opportunity to make your point clearly and emphatically. It is a memorable and engaging medium, and it also offers a number of benefits over traditional video: it can be highly flexible and customisable to different audiences, and it can literally bring your brand to life. But with billions of videos watched every day, how do you make yours stand out?

From fintech, to publishing, education, insurance, recruitment, energy, IT, healthcare, local government, retail or manufacturing, we’ll take a detailed video brief, reflect on it as a team and then use one of our weekly creative brainstorming workshops to generate a selection of ideas and concepts to present back to you. These ideas will range from the tame to the zany, but they will all answer your brief and be realistic within your resource constraints.

Whether you’re looking for character-based or abstract, or a 2D or 3D animation, our team will create an animated video production that highlights your brand at its very best.