The Different Types of Marketing Strategies

While they all sound the same, interactive, digital, and internet marketing are each unique. But what makes them different? We often use them interchangeably, and this can confuse. Each area of marketing requires a knowledge base for different products and different strategies.

Interactive Marketing Strategy

Interactive marketing refers to a marketing strategy that encourages active participation between the consumer and the marketing campaign. This term often refers to a fast-growing shift from one-sided customer interaction to a two-sided conversation. Interactive marketing is becoming a trend because of customers’ demand for a better online experience and improved internet technology.


Customers want a company to know who they are as individuals, not as a demographic or just a number. For instance, every time a customer logs into a company’s website, the person may want to see his or her name displayed along with product interests and communication preferences.

Interactive marketing gives customers the power to receive and give up-to-date, minute-to-minute feedback on a particular business or product. When you think about interactive marketing, a great example is Amazon. Amazon is known as the biggest trailblazer in this marketing area.

Saving Customer Serch Data

The company collects and saves information about customers’ searching and buying behavior. It also remembers customers’ names, provides suggested reading sections for book searches, suggested products based on past shopping behavior, and consistently asks for the customer’s feedback on items they have purchased.

Digital Marketing Strategy

Digital marketing is a marketing campaign that takes place using a digital platform. Digital defines the medium used to deliver the campaign. Digital marketing could easily be considered and explained as a “push/pull” marketing technique. If you’re not familiar with marketing campaigns, it’s your advertising blitz to sell your service or product.

Digital Push

The “push” part allows you to get in touch with consumers and inspire them to buy your service or product. There are a lot of ways to achieve the push. You can use technologies such as instant messaging, text messaging, content marketing, podcasting, mobile marketing, and email. Also, there are many marketing tools you can use like pay-per-click, search engine optimization (SEO), and even online banner advertising.

Digital Pull

The “pull” technique occurs when consumers take the initiative to locate your business via an online search via digital marketing. For instance, they may perform a search on the internet using your name. The customers then establish a link, via your website, where they can easily contact your company or keep track of your business. For example, they may sign up for text messages, streaming video, emails, newsletters, or podcasts on your website. So, you’re pulling in, or attracting, customers.

Internet or Online Marketing

Internet or online marketing is a marketing campaign that requires an internet connection. This marketing technique allows you to reach customers, conduct research, and sell your product or services over the internet. For example, you can promote your company’s message. The definition varies according to how it’s used. A home business person may refer to this marketing as selling over the internet.

However, if you have a website, you may refer to it as blogging—writing articles or placing banner advertisements on other websites to drive traffic to your site. It’s important to note there are many terms for internet marketing like web marketing, online marketing, and website promotion.