The effect of Increasing Video content on Social Media Influencers

A  picture they say is worth a thousand words, that means a video should be if not greater than a millions. At least, that’s what social media users are banking on. The number of videos being created and shared across social platforms has soared in recent years.

Photo sharing platform Instagram has shifted its focus to video recently, with the Instagram Stories feature – and over on YouTube, 400 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every single minute.

Platforms have been telling us for a while that videos are the future of social sharing. They’re said to be a more engaging medium than images and – in the race to capture attention in a busy social scene – it’s no wonder we’re seeing more of them.

Influencers are focusing on video creation
As with many Instagram trends, influencers have spearheaded this movement. Why? Firstly, they know that content that achieves higher engagement gets favoured by the algorithm, which means more eyes on their content and a better chance at being discovered.

Secondly, video helps them form a closer relationship with their followers. There’s something about a face to camera, direct address that makes you followers feel like they’re getting to know a creator better – and that relationship is something influencers are always working on.

Instagram Stories has also given influencers a low-stakes way to share video content. If might be selfie style – and less polished than the creative they would on their feed – but for Stories, they are happy to share. Another reason for such a surge in uploads.

What does this mean for marketers?
Brands should follow suit here. 72% of customers would rather learn about a product or service via video. For many of us they’re an easy and digestible way to take on information – plus more entertaining than a static post. So if you’re a brand on social media looking to educate, engage and convert, video needs to become part of your content mix.

This may sound expensive – and time consuming – but it doesn’t have to be. Some studies have found that less polished content actually performs better on Instagram. Why not try showing some ‘behind the scenes’ content on Instagram Stories. Then track your Instagram Business analytics to see how well the posts performed. Again, act like an influencer. Test and learn.

Use the trend to your advantage
If your brand doesn’t have the capacity to create its own content, there’s an opportunity to use this upsurge in influencer video to your advantage. There’s a whole community of creators, busy up-skilling themselves in video creation. Buying drones, perfecting their editing and testing what content gets the best engagement. These are the creators that brands have at their disposal through influencer marketing.

Some brands are now bypassing the sharing stage in influencer marketing. They’re treating them like a diverse network of freelancers and briefing them for content creation only. Instead of commissioning more costly agencies. This puts bespoke branded video within the realms of possibilities of almost any type of business – however small.